What are your rates?

The cost of Paraassist services are dependant on the nature and complexity of the matters you wish to have researched.  Our normal procedure is to have our clients forward us a brief synopsis of the facts and issues you wish researched and upon review of these materials we will provide a quote as to cost.

Generally speaking and again dependant on the complexity of the matter our quotes range between 300 plus HST and 600 plus HST for more involved matters.

Our clients generally either bill out the costs to the client as a consulting fee or simply pay us separately from their general retainer for preparation or pleadings.

It should be noted that we do have clients that use us on a regular basis, some even on a weekly basis and with this type of use we arrange either discounted quotes or a standard monthly deposit which caps work cost in addition to providing some no cost services.

Please note that we consider ourselves bound by any quote given and will provide a complete review of the issues no matter the required time taken in order to ensure your satisfaction and a resolution to the questions posed.

What is the turnaround time?

While our usual time for delivery of requested materials is 24 to 48 hours this is dependant on the complexity of the issues presented.  We do provide priority services for short notice and/or regular clients.
